Intravaginal device - Progesterone 1.2 g

Estrus synchronization in cattle and heifers. Estrus synchronization for FTAI programs. Ovulation induction in prior-to-puberty heifers and in cows with post-parturition anestrus. Treatment of ovarian cysts.

It contains: 50 Diprogest 1200 (intravaginal devices by dipping x 1.2 g Progesterone), 1 Zoovet Estradiol Benzoate (100 ml), 2 Ciclar (D+Cloprostenol, 50 ml), 1 Cypionate Zoovet (50 ml) and 1 A4 Zoovet (Quaternary ammonium to disinfect the applicators, 100 ml).

See the instructions for each product separately in this vademecum.