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Injectable vitamin & mineral supplement

Formula: Sodium Hypophosphite 25%; Sodium Glycerophosphate 18%; Vitamin D3 0.04% (Phosphorus 4.75 g; Phosphorus 6.72 g; Vitamin D3 1,600,000 IU).

Indications: Treatment and prevention of diseases produced by lack of Phosphorus, Vitamin D3, or both.

1 ml every 50 kg bw (2.3 mg/kg of Phosphorus and 320 IU/kg of Vitamin D3). Treatment duration: At least 2 annual applications are recommended. It can be repeated at 60 to 90 days, or according to the veterinarian criterion.

Administration: Subcutaneous.

Presentation: 100 and 500 ml vials.

• More concentration and bioavailability, lower dose!: 1 ml every 50 kg.