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Broad spectrum antibiotic - Quinolone

According to presentation: Enrofloxacin 50 mg; Enrofloxacin 100 mg and Enrofloxacin 150 mg per tablet.

Indications: Treatment of severe and chronic infections resistant to other antibiotics, such as pyodermias, recurrent infections of the urogenital tract, infectious otitis, and infections associated to viral processes. Do not administer to animals during growth, pregnant females and lactating animals.

Dosage: 1 tablet of 50 mg every 10 kg; 1 tablet of 100 mg every 20 kg bw or 1 tablet of 150 mg every 30 kg bw (5 mg/kg). Interval between doses: Every 24 hours. Treatment duration: At least 7 days of treatment are recommended.

Administration: Oral.

Presentation: Boxes containing 12 flow packs.

• For all weights, very practical!