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Gonadotropin - Releasing hormone analogue

Buserelin Acetate 0.0042 mg/ml, equivalent to 0.0004% of Buserelin.

Indications: Ovulation induction, in case of ovarian disorders (example: cyst), as well as in programs intended to improve conception rates. Do not use in pregnant females.

Dosage: Cattle: Delayed ovulation, follicular atresia, FTAI: 2.5 ml (0.01 mg). Treatment of follicular cysts and atresia: 5 ml (0.02 mg). Horses: Cystic ovarian alterations, aciclia, ovulation induction: 10 ml (0.04 mg). Treatment duration: Single dose or according to the veterinarian criterion.

Administration: Deep intramuscular, subcutaneous or intravenous. In horses, the intravenous route is preferred.

Presentation: 50 ml vial.

Export: 25 ml vial.